High-pressure water cleaning (Hydrojet) is an effective technique for removing scale from surfaces and pipes, which causes losses of storage capacity, flow or heat transfer in mining and industrial plants
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Flushing is a type of cleaning that removes contamination from the fluid present in the circuits, caused by various factors such as manufacturing, assembly, system sealing, and component wear.
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Chemical cleaning is a process carried out in industrial facilities to remove any residues generated during construction, maintenance, or repair, leaving them ready for safe and optimal operational startup.
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Dredging is a solid separation technique in wet environments, which allows for the removal of solids of any type from the medium and their separation, as well as for inspecting the state of the bed and determining optimal repair and maintenance plans.
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This service involves the use of industrial vacuum equipment for the efficient extraction of solids, liquids, and sludge from various industrial facilities, ensuring proper cleaning and maintenance of plants and critical areas. The main functionality of these high-vacuum equipment lies in the capacity of its advanced suction system.
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The decoking process comprises a sequence of operations including the removal of gaseous and liquid products, cooling, drilling, and cutting of coke, specifically in equipment where coke is generated. In collaboration with our partner CR International, we offer a reliable and optimal solution for decoking.
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Catalyst management encompasses a wide range of highly specialized services that ensure these key elements in chemical plants and refineries are maintained in optimal condition. In partnership with CR International, we offer a comprehensive service, including the commissioning and maintenance of catalytic reactors, tanks, and towers, through a multidisciplinary team of technicians and specialists.
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Plant Decontamination is a service applicable to refineries, chemical plants, and others, aimed at ensuring the safe entry of personnel into the process equipment in the most efficient manner possible for maintenance and inspection tasks.
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We perform interior cleaning of tanks, both pre-operational and operational. Operational cleanings are carried out after a period of operation, where accumulated deposits affecting the efficiency and safety of critical equipment are removed.
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Ducts, which include a variety of types such as aqueducts, gas pipelines, and slurry pipelines, among others, are long, critical pipes in operation that serve specific functions according to their designation. They have diameters ranging from 6 inches to 40 inches or more and can reach lengths of up to 500 km. Cleaning and testing these ducts are crucial to ensure their optimal and safe functioning.
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